109,90 лв.

Assassination Classroom Yusei Matsui Box Set

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109,90 лв.
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SKU: 9789124368098

Илюстратор: Yusei Matsui

ISBN: 9789124368098

Оригинално име: Ansatsu Kyoushitsu

Възраст от: 14

Автор: Yusei Matsui

Издателство: Viz Media

Език: Английски

Пол: Момиче, Момче

Жанр: Science fiction, Comedy, Action-Adventure

Тема: Манга

Брой страници: 992

Вид корица: Мека

Година на издаване: 2016

Националност автор: Япония

Поредица: Assassination Classroom

Размер см: 12.7 x 19.1 см.

Серия: Assassination Classroom

Тип: Manga

Демографска група: Shonen

Assassination Classroom Yusei Matsui Volume Collection 5 Books Set

Assassination Classroom Volume 1:

Meet the would-be assassins of class 3-E: Sugino, who let his grades slip and got kicked off the baseball team. Karma, who’s doing well in his classes but keeps getting suspended for fighting. And Okuda, who lacks both academic and social skills, yet excels at one subject: chemistry. Who has the best chance of winning that reward? Will the deed be accomplished through pity, brute force or poison...? And what chance does their teacher have of repairing his students’ tattered self-esteem?

Assassination Classroom Volume 4:

English teacher Irina’s assassination mentor makes an appearance and the two compete-using special agent Karasuma as their target. Another transfer student/would-be assassin joins the class, accompanied by a guardian who claims to be Koro Sensei’s...little brother?! A tentacle showdown ensues, sending everyone into a tentacle tizzy. Then, the 3-E students face humiliation yet again during a school baseball exhibition match. Plus, more secrets of Koro Sensei’s mysterious past revealed...!

Assassination Classroom Volume 7:

The 3-E students hope to kill on their final exams to win not only respect but a special reward. Over summer break, Nagisa, Sugino, and Maehara play amateur entomologist with…a girl? After rigorous training with the greatest assassin of all, the class launches their best assassination plan yet! Now who will save our would-be assassins from a mysterious biological weapon…?

Assassination Classroom Volume 11:

3-E student Isogai breaks the school rules by working part-time to help support his family. When Gakushu and rest of the Big Four students find out, they use his secret as leverage to force 3-E to participate in a bizarre sports-day competition. Soon it’s time for the school’s midterm competition as well, but when some 3-E students accidentally injure the elderly owner of a day care/after-school program, Koro Sensei forbids them from studying and orders them to replace him until he recovers! Assassination is one thing, but babysitting little kids…?! And then, our friends rescue a cat.

Assassination Classroom Volume 13:

The Grim Reaper sets up a lethal trap that buries Mr. Karasuma and Ms. Vitch alive. Will Mr. Karasuma’s repressed feelings surface before he and Ms. Vitch do? And how will Mr. Karasuma face Death? Then, despite his vow to destroy the planet in March, Koro Sensei offers career counseling to his students. Nagisa’s professional goal raises some serious issues. And finally, it’s time for the next school festival showdown. Class A and Class E compete for the most customers. If they build it, will they come…to the top of 3-E’s remote mountaintop?

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За автора

Yusei Matsui

Юсей Мацуи (Yūsei Matsui) е японски манга артист познат като създател на популярната манга поредица Assassination Classroom. Роден на 31 януари 1979 в Саитама, Япония. Мацуи започва кариерата си като асистент на мангака Йошио Саваи, създателят на Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Мацуи прави собственият си дебют като мангака с поредицата Neuro: Supernatural Detective. Големият му успех е с Assassination Classroom, която му донася световна популярност.