26,90 лв.

Creating Your First Cv In 7 Steps

Изчерпано количество
26,90 лв.

SKU: 9781845284961

Weight: 0.294000

ISBN: 9781845284961

Вид корица: Paperback / softback

Издателство: Little, Brown Book Group

Брой страници: 168

This friendly and accessible book coaches you through the process of writing your first ever CV. You may be in school and about to apply for a part time job; you may be wanting to approach a company for work experience; or you may have been lucky enough to get a job after school without compiling a CV and you want to progress and move on so you need to start from scratch. Creating a first CV, with no employment history, can be a daunting task. But just because you haven't had a work/employment history, doesn't mean you have no skills. However, if you're starting out and you want to stand out, you have to be clear about those skills and make them count. This book breaks down the process of writing your CV into seven steps, short activities that will subsequently be used to build upon each other. It will help you identify those skills - which we all have and bring them to life. Gather it - collect the material for your principal CV and profile. Develop it - start to play with the information you have collected and apply it to two real or dream jobs you would like to apply for. Evidence it - learn how to demonstrate where and how you have ability and proficiency. Shape it - look at the structure, format, style and layout of your CV. Build it - bring together all the information you have collected, expanded, and evidenced so far. Polish it - you will have gathered more information than you ever thought you would, so here you will add and subtract and reshape. Complete it - this final step encourages you to review, refine and rejig your CV so that it reads well and flows There is also a section on writing cover letters, completing an application form and preparing for interview. 1. Gather it - collect the material for your principal CV and profile; 2. Devel

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