35,00 лв.

Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White (Song of the Last Kingdom, Book 2)

В наличност
35,00 лв.

SKU: 9780593487549

Част в поредица: 2

ISBN: 9780593487549

Автор: Amelie Wen Zhao

Издателство: Delacorte Press

Език: Английски

Тема: Научна фантастика (Science fiction), Фентъзи (Fantasy)

Брой страници: 368

Вид корица: Твърда

Година на издаване: 2024

Националност автор: Китай

Поредица: Song of the Last Kingdom

Размер см: 15.1 x 21.9 x 3.3 см.

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The epic sequel to the book Song of Silver, Flame Like Night, is a fast-paced, riveting YA fantasy inspired by the mythology and folklore of ancient China.

The Demon Gods have risen. Skies’ End has fallen to the colonizers. And Lan and Zen have chosen sides.

But they will not fight together.

Though Lan inherited the power of the Silver Dragon, she understands the path she must take. She believes the Demon Gods to be the cause of war, conflict, and turmoil, and that the future of the Last Kingdom depends on their being eliminated forever. Worse, she knows that if the Elantians manage to bind one of the legendary beings, their army will be unstoppable. To save her kingdom and her people, Lan will need to find the only mythical weapon capable of destroying the Demon Gods: the Godslayer.

Zen is sure that the only way to free the Last Kingdom is to use the power of the Demon Gods. When he bound the Black Tortoise, he paid the ultimate price: to inherit its strength, he will forfeit his body, his mind, and his soul. Yet one Demon God is not enough against the might of the colonizers. In the ruins of the northern Mansorian lands slumbers a magical army of demonic practitioners capable of facing off against the Elantians—but Zen must find the Seal to awaken them to fight by his side.

At the center of both Lan’s and Zen’s journeys is one city: Shaklahira, a former stronghold of the Imperial Court that vanished without a trace when the Elantians invaded. Its location is a mystery, and both are sure that it holds the answers they need, but the past it hides might be more dangerous than anything they’ve faced yet.

The battle for the Last Kingdom rages on. But to win the war, Lan will have to decide: Can she face the boy she loves again? And when she does, can she kill him to free her people?

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Amelie Wen Zhao

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