119,90 лв.

Information Graphics

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119,90 лв.
Този продукт е с безплатна доставка

SKU: 9783836583831

Тегло кг: 2,42

ISBN: 9783836583831

Библиотека: Taschen JU

Възраст от: 20

Възраст до: 60

Автор: Sandra Rendgen

Издателство: TASCHEN

Език: Английски

Тема: Изкуство, Архитектура и дизайн

Брой страници: 480

Вид корица: Твърда

Размер см: 21 x 31.5 см.

Graphs, maps, stats, and diagrams: this collection of infographics explores the development of visual communication in the big data age. Over 400 exemplary graphics—ranging from journalism to art, government to education—are accompanied by essays tracing the evolving art form and descriptions explaining each project.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
—Albert Einstein

Our everyday lives are filled with a massive flow of information that we must interpret in order to understand the world we live in. Considering the complex variety of data floating around us, sometimes the best—or even only—way to communicate is visually. This unique book presents a fascinating perspective on the subject, highlighting the work of the masters of the profession, creators of breakthroughs that have changed the way we communicate. Information Graphics has been conceived and designed not just for graphics professionals, but for anyone interested in the history and practice of communicating visually.

The in-depth introductory section, illustrated with over 60 images (each accompanied by an explanatory caption), features essays by Sandra Rendgen, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Richard Saul Wurman, and Simon Rogers. Looking back all the way to primitive cave paintings as a means of communication, this section gives readers an excellent overview of the subject. The second part of the book is entirely dedicated to contemporary works by today’s most renowned professionals, presenting 200 graphics projects, with over 400 examples—each with a fact sheet and an explanation of methods and objectives—divided into chapters by the topics Location, Time, Category, and Hierarchy.

200 projects and over 400 examples of contemporary information graphics from all over the world—ranging from journalism to art, government, education, business and much more
Four essays about the development of information graphics since its beginnings

Hardcover with poster, 21 x 31.5 cm, 2.42 kg, 480 pages

* Сроковете за доставка могат да бъдат удължени и по време на кампании, както и в зависимост от наличностите на поръчаните артикули.

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Sandra Rendgen

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