59,90 лв.

Jane Austen at Home: 250th Birthday Edition

В наличност
59,90 лв.
Този продукт е с безплатна доставка

SKU: 9781399740906

Тегло кг: 0,778

ISBN: 9781399740906

Възраст от: 18

Възраст до: 99

Автор: Lucy Worsley

Издателство: Hodder & Stoughton

Език: Английски

Пол: Жена

Тема: Класика (Classic fiction)

Брой страници: 496

Вид корица: Твърда

Година на издаване: 2024

Националност автор: Великобритания

Размер см: 24.2 x 16.5 см.

Where better to celebrate the 250th birthday of one of Britain''s most beloved novelists than the very rooms from which she quietly changed the world?

In this bestselling biography, Lucy Worsley travels from room to room, house to house, showing us how and why Jane Austen lived as she did, examining the places and spaces that mattered to her. It wasn''t all country houses and ballrooms, but a life that was often a painful struggle. Jane famously lived a ''life without incident'', but with new research and insights Lucy Worsley reveals a passionate woman who fought for her freedom. A woman who far from being a lonely spinster in fact had at least five marriage prospects, but who in the end refused to settle for anything less than Mr Darcy.

Featuring a guided tour of all the best Jane Austen sites to visit specially written for this birthday edition, this gorgeous book is perfect for Austen fans everywhere.

''This is my kind of history: carefully researched but so vivid that you are convinced Lucy Worsley was actually there at the party - or the parsonage.'' ― Antonia Fraser

''Jane Austen at Home offers a fascinating look at Jane Austen''s world through the lens of the homes in which she lived and worked throughout her life. The result is a refreshingly unique perspective on Austen and her work and a beautifully nuanced exploration of gender, creativity, and domesticity.'' ― Amanda Foreman

''A must for any Austenite.'' ― Red magazine

''Brilliant and very moving, this book is a fascinating and original exploration of Jane Austen with lots of new material - Worsley brings Austen to life superbly, through her pages she is a flesh and blood woman, intelligent, powerful, contradictory, loving, loved. A magnificent book.'' ― Kate Williams

''Rarely, if ever, will you encounter a historian so in command of their material. Truly, this is a dazzling exercise in persuasion, written with sense and sensibility.'' ― Saturday Express

''Worsley offers us much that Austen''s admirers wish to know... [she] is entirely convincing.'' ― New York Times

''A sprightly new take on Austen''s life.'' ― Mail on Sunday

Lucy Worsley ''is a great scene-setter for this tale of triumph and heartbreak'' ― Sunday Times

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Lucy Worsley

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