
Architecture & design

Активни филтри:
Изтрий всички филтри
159 резултата
History of Press Graphics 1819-1921 - Alexander Robb - TASCHEN - 9783836507868
149,90 лв.
Contemporary Japanese Architecture
Motorcycles, 40th Edition - Charlotte & Peter Fiell - TASCHEN - 9783836598774

Motorcycles, 40th Edition

Charlotte & Peter Fiell

59,90 лв.
Zaha Hadid. Complete Works 1979-Today. 40th Ed.
100 Contemporary Houses - TASCHEN - 9783836557832
Oliver Byrne. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid
The Art of Colour: The History of Art in 39 Pigments - Kelly Grovier - Thames & Hudson Ltd - 9780500024812
Case Study Houses. The Complete CSH Program 1945-1966. 40th Ed.
Arch, Ponti - Graziella Roccella - TASCHEN - 9783836564397

Arch, Ponti

Graziella Roccella

36,90 лв.
The History of Graphic Design. 40th Ed.
59,90 лв.
Contemporary Japanese Architecture. 40th Ed.
D&AD. The Copy Book - TASCHEN - 9783836568524
Living in Tuscany. 40th Anniversary Edition

Living in Tuscany. 40th Ed.

Barbara Stoeltie

Rene Stoeltie

59,90 лв.
Interiors Now! 40th Ed.
Massimo Listri: The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries
59,90 лв.
Zaha Hadid. Complete Works 1979-Today. 2020 Edition - Philip Jodidio - TASCHEN - 9783836572439
20th Century Classic Cars - Phil Patton - TASCHEN - 9783836546157
49,90 лв.
Logo Modernism - Jens Muller - TASCHEN - 9783836545303

Logo Modernism

Jens Muller

149,90 лв.
Modern Architecture A-Z - TASCHEN - 9783836583169
Hadid - Philip Jodidio - TASCHEN - 9783836536356


Philip Jodidio

36,90 лв.
Package Design Book - Julius Wiedemann - TASCHEN - 9783836555524

Package Design Book

Julius Wiedemann

49,90 лв.
Homes For Our Time. Contemporary Houses around the World. 40th Ed.
Gaudí. The Complete Works. 40th Ed. - Rainer Zebrst - TASCHEN - 9783836566193
59,90 лв.
Design of the 20th Century - Charlotte Fiell - TASCHEN - 9783836541060
49,90 лв.
100 Illustrators

100 Illustrators

Julius Wiedemann

Steven Heller

49,90 лв.
Logo Beginnings - Jens Müller - TASCHEN - 9783836582285

Logo Beginnings

Jens Müller

149,90 лв.
Logo Design, Global Brands - Julius Wiedemann - TASCHEN - 9783836576758
49,90 лв.
1000 Chairs, updated version - Charlotte Fiell - TASCHEN - 9783836563697
49,90 лв.
100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings - Philip Jodidio - TASCHEN - 9783836564939
49,90 лв.
Architecture in the 20th Century
149,90 лв.
Mid-Century Ads. 40th Ed.
59,90 лв.
Modern Architecture A-Z - TASCHEN - 9783836556316
National Geographic Infograph. - Julius Wiedemann - TASCHEN - 9783836545952
139,90 лв.
Scandinavian Design, 40th Edition - Charlotte Fiell - TASCHEN - 9783836598422
59,90 лв.
Bauhaus, Updated Edition - Magdalena Droste - TASCHEN - 9783836565547
49,90 лв.
Frank Lloyd Wright, 40th Edition - Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer - Жена, Мъж - TASCHEN - 9783836599672
59,90 лв.
Wright - TASCHEN - 9783836560498
36,90 лв.
Gaudi - Peter Gossel - TASCHEN - 9783836560283


Peter Gossel

36,90 лв.
Ando. Complete Works 1975-Today. 40th Ed.
The Illustrator - Julius Wiedemann - TASCHEN - 9783836592567

The Illustrator

Julius Wiedemann

49,90 лв.
The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2, 1960-Today - Julius Wiedemann - TASCHEN - 9783836570374
100 Contemporary Wood Buildings - TASCHEN - 9783836584012
159 резултата